Anita Groggins

Mortgage Loan Originator

NMLS# 897640


About Us

Trying to find the right home loan can be difficult. Finding the right company to help you get your loan can be even more confusing. With literally thousands of lenders to choose from, borrowers can easily become overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at Smart Lending Group, LLC, our mission is to set a high standard in the mortgage industry. committed to providing superior quality lending/mortage servivices to customers in the communities which we serve. Being an experienced customer friendly organization with a wealth of knowledge, expertise and skills, we will employ superior lending practices with uncompromising integrity and unpresidented service to meet the needs of every client.

We will : Remove barriers to home ownership
               Create diverse choice(s) to enhance and facilitate home ownership
               Use cutting edge resource(s) to provide needed support to reduce the cost
               and time of the lending process

We believe with our collective committment, dogged determination and a laser like focus, ALL clients' needs will be addressed and met, thus exceeding their expectations.

Give us a call today at 313-215-1536 for a free, personalized consultation. You can also apply online. It is fast, secure, and easy.

Why wait? Let us go to work for you!